Learning to be still and quiet in a fast paced world. Open yourself up to practicing restorative yoga you won’t regret it!
Wise Woman Ways
The Pauses In Between – Restorative Yoga
Restorative yoga looks and feels we are doing nothing which in itself is like being a fallow bed in a garden. Yet what is actually happening in the poses is a deep unwinding of physical, emotional and mental stress as our wired nervous systems untangle quieten down and reset. When you deeply support the body with as many props as you have available and hold each pose for at least 15 minutes, the whole body sighs in delight sinking into the props and letting go. Try it and see!
Winter – Nourish ME
Staying bright and light over winter I'm always experimenting with ways of making life lighter and brighter, with ways to live more in my flow, with more ease and grace. Now, you may well think after an incredibly long hot summer, think a couple of days at 46...
Autumn – Nourish Your Lymphatic System
Autumn - Nourish Your Lymphatic System My interest in the lymphatic system began over 15years ago when I complained of being tired all the time and couldn't seem to shake it. There was an intuitive sense or feeling that I wasn't dealing well with stress, food...
Slowing Living
Slowing Living ... moving real life into the slow lane ... S.L.O.W = sustainable, local, organic and whole Slow Food Slow living emerged from the slow food trend in the 1980's. Slow food was a response to lack lustre, unhealthy prepackaged, fast foods which many felt...
A Walk in Nature
A Walk in Nature Wash your spirit clean with mindful moments in nature. Stress and stress related diseases have become prevalent in modern society stealing away the health and well-being of millions. Increasingly, attention is being turned towards the natural world,...